Phoenix nanotom m

Phoenix nanotom® m es un sistema nanoCT® para tomografía computarizada científica e industrial (microCT y nanoCT) y metrología 3D. El sistema logra una resolución espacial y de contraste única en una amplia gama de muestras y aplicaciones. La ejecución totalmente automatizada del proceso de exploración, reconstrucción y análisis de TC garantiza su facilidad de uso y resultados de TC rápidos y fiables. Es posible realizar mediciones 3D precisas y reproducibles de objetos complejos y la generación automática de informes de inspección del primer artículo en una hora.

Principales características

  • Tubo de rayos X de nanofocus abierto de alta potencia de 180 kV / 20 W con capacidad de detección de detalles de hasta 200 nm y enfriamiento interno, optimizado para una estabilidad a largo plazo
  • Calidad de imagen extremadamente alta gracias al exclusivo detector DXR digital con temperatura estabilizada (3072 x 2400 píxeles) para un rango dinámico alto> 10,000: 1 paquete de software phoenix datos | x «Click & Measure CT»
  • Paquete de metrología para aplicaciones de metrología 3D que incluye: gabinete de temperatura estabilizada, sistema de medición directa de alta precisión, aislamiento de vibraciones del manipulador a base de granito
  • diamante | ventana

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Especificaciones técnicas


nanome|x neo 180

microme|x neo 180

microme|x neo 160

X-ray detector

Option 1: Waygate Technologies high dynamic 200 μm pixel resolution detector

Option 2: Superior 100 μm pixel resolution detector

Option 1: Superior 85 μm pixel resolution αSi detector

Option 2: Superior 75 μm pixel resolution CMOS detector

Geometric magnification

max. 1,970x

Total magnification 27” Monitor

max. 2,700x

max. 7,200 x

Total magnific. 27” 2K Monitor

max. 2,300x

max. 6,000x

Detail detectability

up to 0.2 μm

up to 0.5 μm

X-ray tube type

Low maintenance open nanofocus tube with unlimited lifetime, transmission type, 170° cone angle, collimated

Low maintenance open microfocus tube with unlimited lifetime, transmission type, 170° cone angle, collimated

Max. tube voltage/power on target

180 kV / 15 W

180 kV / 20 W

160 kV / 20 W

Diamond|window for up to 2 times faster data acquisition as the same high image quality level


Tungsten hairpin, pre-adjusted in plug-in cartridges for fast and easy exchange


high-precision vibration-free synchronized 5-axes manipulation

Max. inspection area

460 mm x 360 mm (18” x 14”), 610 mm x 510 mm (24” x 20”) without rotation table

Max. sample size / weight

680 mm x 635 mm (27” x 25”) / 10 kg (22 lbs.)

ovhm – oblique view rotation

continuously adjustable view angle up to 70°, rotation 0° – 360°


Joystick or mouse control (manual mode) and CNC (automatic mode)

Manipulation aids

sample X-ray mapping, click’n-move-to function, click’n-zoom-to function, automatic isocentric manipulator movement

Positioning aid

laser crosshair

laser crosshair optional

Anti-Collision System

may be deactivated for maximum magnification (tube touching the sample)

System dimensions (W x H x D)

2,160 mm x 1,920 mm x 1,590 mm (85” x 75.6” x 62.6”), (without control console)

Min. transportation width:

1,590 mm (62.6”) (without control console)

Max. weight

appr. 3,100 kg / 6,835 lbs.

Radiation safety

The radiation safety cabinet is a full protective installation without type approval according to the German RöV and the US Performance Standard 21 CFR, Subchapter J. For operation, other official licenses may be necessary

Image processing software

phoenix x|act: comprehensive CAD based X-ray inspection software comprising image enhancement functions, measuring functions and fast and easy automated CAD based programming for automatic inspection

bga|module (standard): Intuitive automatic view based BGA solder-joint evaluation incl. automatic wetting analysis

vc|module (standard): Intuitive automatic view based voiding calculation software package incl. capability of multiple die attach voiding evaluation

Software Configuration (Option)

x|act BGA check strategy: automated CAD based analysis of BGA solder jointsx|act PTH check strategy: automated CAD based analysis of PTH solder jointsqfp|module: automated QFP solder joint evaluationqfn|module: automated inspection of QFN / MLF solder jointspth|module: automated pin-through-hole solder joint evaluationc4|module: view based evaluation of round solder joints with background structure, such as C4 bumpsml|module: view based registration of multilayer printed circuit boardsquality|review: visual interface for rework and failure indicationFLASH!™: Waygate’s exclusive image optimization technology

planarCT module: Non destructive 2D slice and 3D volume board evaluation incl. 3D|viewer software

Hardware Configuration (Option)

Tilt / rotate unit: tilt ± 45° and rotation n x 360° for samples up to 2 kg

Manual bar code reader: for product identification

Computed Tomography (Option)

Volume acquisition / reconstruction software: phoenix datos|x

Upgrade package for combined 2D / 3D (computed tomography) operation CT-unit: precision rotation axis

Max. geom. magnification: 100 x (CT)

Max. voxel resolution: down to 2 μm, resolution depending on the sample size. The nanoCT® function of the nanome|x allows a higher image sharpness